The GMBR selectors have completed the difficult task of selecting the GMBR Representatives sides to play in the Goulburn Murray Bowls Region verse Ovens & Murray Bowls Region Challenge on Sunday 3rd December at the YARRAWAONGA MULWALA GOLF and BOWLS CLUB

ALL players to be at venue by 8:50am

Roll-up will be 9:15 with the first match starting at 9:30 Lunch (BBQ & sweets) will be provided after 1st game

Note: Final GMBR Women’s and Men’s Sides to be selected on the day and will represent the GMBR at the BV Region Sides Championship in Ballarat at Central Wendouree (Women) and Sebastopol (Men) Bowls Clubs on Saturday 13th & Sunday 14th January 2024.

Format: As per Rowland – Sutcliffe Trophy Day 3 x games of 12 ends timed to 120 minutes