The Goulburn Murray Bowls Region has an elected Board of 9 members and is the local representative for Bowls Victoria, the governing body for the sport of bowls, and our primary purpose is to grow, develop and nurture Victoria’s most accessible sport.

Goulburn Murray Bowls region Board comprises a President, Secretary, Treasurer and 6 Directors all appointed form the 37 member clubs, they are responsible for the governance, events, player development, rules, club services and communications throughout the area. We service over 2200 registered bowlers, and lead the sport and business of bowls for the benefit of the local bowls community.

We are a not-for-profit organisation.

Bowls offers a unique proposition to its participants due to being a sport with few boundaries when it comes to participation. It’s a low impact and non-contact sport suitable for varying levels of physical abilities and cultures, and it’s a game that can be enjoyed at any stage in life, both socially or competitively, in a range of environments.

Our Vision

To have more people connected to Bowls.

Our Mission

To grow and support the sport of bowls through Clubs and their communities.